Living & Learning Communities

Fostering communities with the purpose of advancing the public good.

生活和学习社区(llc)是结合学术学习的第一年项目, residential life, and hands-on experiences. 我们有限责任公司的学生可以期望为一个有意设计的住宅社区做出贡献,并共同参与一个特定主题的学分学术课程. 对于有兴趣与其他对特定主题领域充满热情的学生一起生活并在学术空间中共同学习的学生来说,有限责任公司是理想的社区.

Through retreats, individual time with faculty and staff, engaging guest speakers, and opportunities to meaningfully connect with the larger community, these programs deepen your learning and establish lasting friendships.


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    LLC Rolling Application 24-25

    我们仍在接受和审查滚动基础上的有限责任公司申请,直到所有有限责任公司的插槽被填满! 我们鼓励您尽快申请任何剩余的名额. 

environmental sustainability students volunteering during class

Your Passion

每个季度,LLC的学生都会参加与这个主题相关的研讨班. 这些课程由DU教授授课,课程学分可用于相关辅修或相关证书. 每个LLC都有一名教师主任和一名项目协调员,他们热衷于提供课外体验,这将提高LLC学生的第一年体验. Our programs include a collaborative learning environment, project-based learning, guest speakers, field trips, overnight retreats, and engagement with the greater Denver community.


Your Community

你将和一层有着相似兴趣和不同经历的学生住在一起. Dedicated staff and faculty support and care about your success. 这让你在过渡到DU的过程中更容易与他人联系,因为你有很多机会去了解你的同龄人. 这是一个很好的方式来满足志同道合的先驱者,并在你的学术道路上取得一个良好的开端.

In addition, 具体的LLC和所有LLC活动将在全年促进有意学习以及与其他LLC学生联系. 以下是我们所有有限责任公司活动的例子,以促进强大的社区联系:

  • Fall quarter: Fall Retreat and Fall Movie Night
  • Winter quarter: Winter Community Changemaker Speaker Night
  • Spring quarter: Spring Onward Celebration

Your Future

Gain exposure to new ideas that will broaden your worldview. 有意的课外活动和事件的设计与有限责任公司的主题有关,以增强学习经验. The LLC will help to connect you with opportunities for research, internships, student organizations and clubs, and future career connections to achieve your dreams.

Benefits of participating in an LLC

  • Built-in community of support 
  • Create an intentional action plan for your time at DU
  • Dedicated faculty & staff such as the Faculty Director and Program Coordinator
  • Networking opportunities
  • Life-long friendships
  • Activities that allow you to experience Denver and beyond
  • Off-campus retreats

Which community do you want to explore?

Environmental Sustainability

Contribute towards a regenerative future for our planet. 

Explore the Environmental Sustainability LLC

Global Mental Health


Explore the Global Mental Health LLC

Health Promotion


Explore the Health Promotion LLC

Racial Justice

Organize together to build a more just and equitable world. 

Explore the Racial Justice LLC

Social Change


Explore the Social Change LLC

Decorative image

Ready to get started?

Apply Today!

Questions You Might Still Have

  • How do I apply and application process?

    To be considered for the LLC program, you must submit an application. 申请包括两个简短的问答问题,你有兴趣加入每个有限责任公司. For example, 如果你有兴趣加入社会变革和健康促进有限责任公司, you can apply to be considered for both communities. Your response to each question must be at least 150 words. The questions are:

    • Describe why you're interested in [this LLC issue]. Give at least one example to illustrate your interest.
    • 描述为什么你认为学生们一起学习和解决这个有限责任公司问题是很重要的.

    You can access the application here. No other formal documents, letter of recommendations, or interviews are needed for our application process. 

  • Can I apply to multiple LLCs?

    YES! We encourage this so you have a higher likelihood of acceptance. Please apply to all programs that interest you!

  • Do I have to pay extra to be in the Living and Learning Communities?

    No! This program is FREE and adds value to your college experience.

  • Do I have to be a certain major to apply for an LLC?

    No! Every community welcomes students from all majors, including undecided.

  • Do my LLC credits apply to majors or minors?

    Most LLC credits can be applied towards corresponding minors. However, it is optional to earn the minor. The credits can also be applied to elective credit needed to graduate.

  • What is the housing process?

    If you are accepted, you will need to officially apply for housing 然后有限责任公司办公室将与住房和住宿教育部门合作,将你安置在指定的宿舍. 完成你的住房申请是很重要的,因为这有助于LLC办公室和住房和住宅教育在LLC住房过程中. 


  • How can I request or find a roommate?

    Regarding the roommate process, 你的室友需要是来自你的LLC的另一个LLC学生.g., Environmental Sustainability, Global Mental Health, etc). LLC办公室将联系被录取的LLC学生,并提供其他LLC学生的联系信息,以便能够相互联系成为室友配对. LLC办公室将询问被录取的LLC学生是否有室友要求,并将与住房和住宿教育部门合作安排室友配对. 


  • What is the time commitment and requirements for joining an LLC?

    每个有限责任公司都要求你每季度参加每周2学分的课程. In addition, 你应该在整个季度参与社区参与的学习和与你的LLC主题相关的正式活动. This includes attending one all-LLC event per quarter. 你当然会喜欢在地板上自发产生的友谊和活动, adding to the many opportunities you have for social networking. 

  • Does an LLC do beyond the first year?

    There is no required coursework past the first year! 如果您有兴趣在第一年之后参与我们的项目,请联系 我们一直希望校友在务虚会和LLC活动期间与新同学建立联系,以进一步发展交叉联系.

  • 你必须是国际学生才能加入生活和学习社区吗?

    No. 有些学生可能是国际学生,但大多数来自美国. 这个社区鼓励任何对探索不同文化和国际问题感兴趣的人申请.

  • Can I be in both the LLCs and PLP Program?

    No. 有限责任公司和PLP都有生活要求,所以你只能参加一个. You are welcome to apply to both and decide which is the right fit!

  • Can I be in the Honors Program and an LLC?

    Yes! The Honors Program has an OPTIONAL community living space. 如果你在这两种情况下,你将被要求与有限责任公司住在同一楼层.

View of DU building steeples and mountains in the background

Visiting Campus?

本科招生办公室提供多种参观校园的方式, 包括亲自录取学生参观和虚拟开放日. Click here 了解更多有关招生的信息,并注册参观MG线上电子游戏校园! 

The Living and Learning Communities participated in the 2023 Virtual Open House. Please click here to watch the LLC webinar from last year's Virtual Open House. 

We look forward to meeting you! Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions to or to schedule an individual appointment.



Living and Learning Communities

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